
The Structurizr web application provides a small JavaScript API that can be used to script and automate certain tasks. This is available under a JavaScript variable called structurizr.scripting when viewing the diagram viewer/editor and documentation pages.


The following functions are provided for diagrams:

  • isDiagramRendered(): Returns true when the diagram has been rendered, false otherwise.
  • exportCurrentDiagramToPNG(options, callback): Exports the current diagram to PNG, and calls the callback function with the resulting base64 data URI.
  • exportCurrentDiagramKeyToPNG(callback): Exports the current diagram key to PNG, and calls the callback function the resulting base64 data URI.
  • exportCurrentDiagramToSVG(options): Exports the current diagram to SVG, and returns the resulting SVG markup.
  • exportCurrentDiagramKeyToSVG: Exports the current diagram key to SVG, and returns the resulting SVG markup.
  • getViews(): Gets an array of objects representing the views in the software architecture model.
  • changeView(viewKey): Displays the specified view.
  • getViewKey(): Gets the key of the current view.


And the following functions are provided for documentation:

  • exportDocumentationToOfflineHTMLPage(callback): Exports the currently loaded documentation to a single HTML page for offline use. The callback function is called when generation of the HTML page has been finished, and the first function argument is the resulting HTML markup.


The diagram scripting API can be used in conjunction with tools such as Puppeteer (headless Chrome/Chromium), to automate the export of diagrams from the command line, perhaps as a part of a build process. The structurizr-puppeteer repo on GitHub has some code samples of how to do this.