Building from source

Part of the UI is shared between the on-premises installation, cloud service, and Structurizr Lite so you will need to additionally clone the structurizr/ui repo.


git clone --recursive structurizr-lite
git clone structurizr-ui
cd structurizr-lite
./gradlew clean build

To use early access/preview features, change the value of PREVIEW_FEATURES to true in the Configuration class.

If successful, you will see a file named structurizr-lite.war in structurizr-onpremises/build/libs.

If you see an error message of the form Could not find com.structurizr:structurizr-dsl:x.y.z, you will need to build the Structurizr for Java repo from source, and publish to your local Maven repository.


To run Structurizr Lite, you can then use:

java -jar build/libs/structurizr-lite.war /path/to/workspace

(replace /path/to/workspace with the path to the folder where your workspace.dsl file is)


To build a Docker image:

docker build . -t mytag

And to start a Docker container from this image (replace /path/to/dataDirectory):

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/dataDirectory:/usr/local/structurizr mytag