
The export command allows you to export the views within a Structurizr workspace to a number of different formats. It is essentially a command line interface to the export formats. Files will be created one per view that has been exported. If output directory is not specified, files will be created in the same directory as the workspace. Please note that the export formats do not support all available shapes/features when compared to the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation/Lite - see Exporters - Comparison for more details.

Exporting PNG/SVG diagrams from the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation/Lite is not supported from the CLI. This is because the CLI is a Java application, whereas the PNG/SVG diagrams are rendered in your web browser. PNG/SVG diagram exports can instead be automated using headless Chrome and Puppeteer - please see https://github.com/structurizr/puppeteer for some example scripts.

The CLI will require Internet access if you are making use of any themes.


  • -workspace: The path or URL to the workspace JSON/DSL file (required)
  • -format (required):
    • plantuml: the same as plantuml/structurizr
    • plantuml/structurizr: exports views to PlantUML using the StructurizrPlantUMLExporter
    • plantuml/c4plantuml: exports views to PlantUML using the C4PlantUMLExporter
    • mermaid: exports views to Mermaid using the MermaidExporter (your Mermaid configuration will need to include "securityLevel": "loose" to render the diagrams correctly. See Mermaid - Configuration - securityLevel for more details)
    • websequencediagrams: exports dynamic views to WebSequenceDiagrams using the WebSequenceDiagramsExporter
    • dot: exports views to DOT format (for use with Graphviz) using the DOTExporter
    • ilograph: exports the workspace to a YAML format for use with Ilograph using the IlographExporter
    • d2: export views to D2 format using the D2Exporter
    • json: exports the workspace to the Structurizr JSON format
    • theme: creates a JSON theme based upon the styles and tags defined in the workspace
    • fully qualified class name: provides a way to use a custom exporter; this needs to implement WorkspaceExporter or DiagramExporter, with the compiled class(es) being available on the CLI classpath or packaged as a JAR file in a directory named plugins next to your workspace file
  • -output: Relative or absolute path to an output directory (optional)


To export all views in a JSON workspace to PlantUML format under folder named diagrams:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.json -format plantuml -output diagrams

To export all views in a JSON workspace to PlantUML format, using C4-PlantUML, under folder named diagrams:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.json -format plantuml/c4plantuml -output diagrams

To export all views in a JSON workspace to Mermaid format:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.json -format mermaid

To export all dynamic views in a DSL workspace to WebSequenceDiagrams format:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.dsl -format websequencediagrams

To export a DSL workspace to the JSON workspace format:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.dsl -format json

To export all views in a DSL workspace using a custom exporter:

./structurizr.sh export -workspace workspace.dsl -format com.example.MyCustomDiagramExporter