Building from source

To build the Structurizr CLI from source, you’ll need git and Java 17+ installed. The Structurizr UI is required for the CLI to export a static site, so you will need to additionally clone the structurizr/ui repo.


git clone structurizr-cli
git clone structurizr-ui
cd structurizr-cli
./gradlew clean build getDeps buildZip

To use early access/preview features, change the value of PREVIEW_FEATURES to true in the Configuration class.

If you see an error message of the form Could not find com.structurizr:structurizr-dsl:x.y.z, you will need to build the Structurizr for Java repo from source, and publish to your local Maven repository.


If successful, The build/distributions directory will contain a file. To run the Structurizr CLI, you can then:

  1. Unzip into a directory of your choice.
  2. Add the directory to your operating system’s path (optional).
  3. Use the or structurizr.bat file as appropriate for your operating system.

Alternatively you can run the CLI directly from the build directory, with a command like the following:

java -cp "build/libs/*:build/dependencies/*" com.structurizr.cli.StructurizrCliApplication 


To build a Docker image:

docker build . -t mytag