
Building from source

To build this repo from the sources (you’ll need git and Java 17+ installed):

git clone structurizr-cli
cd structurizr-cli

If successful, The build/distributions directory will contain a .zip file, with which you can:

  1. Unzip into a directory of your choice.
  2. Add the directory to your operating system’s path (optional).
  3. Use the or structurizr.bat file as appropriate for your operating system.

Local installation

  1. Download the Structurizr CLI from, and unzip. You will need Java (version 17+) installed, and available to use from your command line.
  2. Unzip into a directory of your choice.
  3. Add the directory to your operating system’s path (optional).
  4. Use the or structurizr.bat file as appropriate for your operating system.


A prebuilt Docker image is available at Docker Hub. To use it, for example:

docker pull structurizr/cli:latest
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/local/structurizr structurizr/cli <parameters>

In this example, $PWD will mount the current local directory as the CLI working directory (/usr/local/structurizr in the Docker container).

Alternative images are available via:

Package managers

Homebrew (MacOS only)

The Structurizr CLI can be installed via Homebrew as follows:

brew install structurizr-cli

And to upgrade:

brew update
brew upgrade structurizr-cli

Scoop (Windows only)

The Structurizr CLI can be installed via Scoop as follows:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install structurizr-cli

And to upgrade:

scoop update structurizr-cli

GitHub Actions

Some pre-built GitHub Actions are available on the GitHub Actions marketplace.


To export your diagrams to Mermaid format in gitlab-ci, add the workspace.dsl to your repo and add this job to your .gitlab-ci.yml:

  stage: stage_name
    name: structurizr/cli
    entrypoint: [""]
    - /usr/local/structurizr-cli/ export --workspace workspace.dsl --format mermaid
      - "*.mmd"


A pre-built Gradle plugin is available from jakzal/gradle-structurizr-cli.